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CSS Meditation #8: .work + .life { border: 10px solid #000; } originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
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CSS Meditation #8: .work + .life { border: 10px solid #000; } originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
CSS Meditation #7: Nobody is perf-ect. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
CSS Meditation #6: The color space is always calc(rgb(0 255 0)+er) on the other side of the fence. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
CSS Meditation #5: :where(:is(.my-mind)) originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
CSS Meditation #4: Select, style, adjust. Select, style, adjust. Select, sty… originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
CSS Meditation #3: A pseudo is as a pseudo does. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
CSS Meditation #2: Who gives a flying frick what constitutes a “programming” language. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
CSS Meditation #1: If the code works as expected and it fits your mental model, then it’s perfect. originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Container queries are often considered a modern approach to responsive web design where traditional media queries have long been the gold standard — the reason being that we can create layouts made with elements that respond to, say, the width of their containers rather than the width of the viewport. Read more…
Prepare for any design project that you might face this summer with a huge upgrade to your resources library. This new Creative’s Shining Summery Collection contains a variety of tools that help you create cheeful styles and effects. Improve your illustrations with detailed brushes; add stunning text to your designs Read more…